Hour 4: Truck driver shortage has public schools preparing the pipeline
6pm - On I-5 in Everett, traffic nightmare is reminder we’re ‘very vulnerable’ // Chaos and terror: Failed communications left Maui residents trapped by fire. Scores died // How New Orleans' Evacuation Plan Fell Apart // Tsunami waves would reach Seattle within minutes after earthquake, study finds // Tsunami Escape - Washington's Uphill Battle // Teens take the wheel: Truck driver shortage has public schools preparing the pipeline // God Inc.—Church Startups Spread Franchise Model Across U.S. // Pope Francis clarifies same-sex blessings, says conservatives have a ‘suicidal attitude’ in ‘60 Minutes’ interview // Red Lobster officially files for bankruptcy after being rinsed of cash by all you can eat shrimp deals // The economics of all-you-can-eat buffets // Red Lobster's $25 Ultimate Endless Shrimp Review
Published: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | Runtime: 33:59