July 2022 Charity of the Month – Parent Trust for Washington Children
Jul 15, 2022, 7:17 AM | Updated: Oct 14, 2022, 3:23 pm

The Stations of Bonneville Seattle, the Seattle Seahawks, and Carter Subaru, Volkswagen and Acura are proud to announce that the July 2022 Charity of the Month is Parent Trust for Washington Children. This statewide nonprofit, focused on child abuse prevention, is dedicated to keeping kids safe and families strong. They provide parent education and support through their statewide Family Help Line that anyone can call at 1-800-932-4673. They also have recovery groups for families, Great Starts and Conscious Fathering classes, Development Screenings and Stress Management workshops. Parent Trust is dedicated to finding solutions that work for families TODAY. Visit www.parenttrust.org to donate or to learn more.