Explore the brighter side of the news with KIRO Newsradio's Colleen O'Brien

Colleen O'Brien

Colleen O'Brien

Child trades video game cash for charity

If a kid finds her or himself with a wad of cash from chores or through an allowance most can't wait to spend it on a new toy or video game.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Picture of determination rewarded with new car

If it wasn't for a bus driver paying attention to his riders, Corey Patrick might not be in the headlines today.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Donut shop owner responds to theft with kindness

When donut shop owner Galen Schmidt spotted on his surveillance system a woman stealing from his tip jar he didn't call police. He chose kindness instead.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Birthday boy decides to give big to animal shelter

Jack Beason, 9, decided giving would be better than receiving and asked for donations of food or toys for his local shelter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
6 years ago
Tacoma shooting, Long Beach...
Colleen O'Brien

Truckers become heroes on Michigan highway

This was a tough call to share this one today because it's not a topic you'd typically associate with a "dose of kindness."
6 years ago
plane, flight...
Colleen O'Brien

The saving grace of a stranger on a plane

Todd Walker became the seat-mate of a toddler who was having a rough go of her day, but he was able to show grace in this situation.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Home Depot volunteers help homeless veteran

A group of 60 volunteers fixed up a homeless Air Force veteran's home after his mother and daughter passed away.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Snoqualmie officers help victims of I-90 car crash with GoFundMe

I think this story is certainly worth our attention because it's about two Snoqualmie Police Officers going above and beyond.
6 years ago
seattle school bus, logic amen...
Colleen O'Brien

Bus driver pulls ‘mom duty’ for young girl

This story is about 11-year-old Isabella in Salt Lake City, Utah. She gets ready for school on her own every morning because her dad works early mornings and, well, her mom passed away.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

The recipe for a happy life, according to Yale

The pursuit of happiness draws nearly 1,200 students twice a week to Yale's most popular course: Psychology and the Good Life.
6 years ago
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Colleen O'Brien

The story behind Seth’s viral video

I love learning the stories behind viral videos. The most recent to go viral is of a boy named Seth, who uses a wheelchair, enjoying his first ride on a swing.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Man shares his 17,000 vinyl records

Bob Knutson has one of the most impressive vinyl collections anywhere. He inherited his first 2,000 records when a neighbor died and today he estimates his collection includes 17,000 records.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Chewbacca delivers heartening news to hospitalized teen

It must be the pits to spend months on end in a hospital. I can't imagine how hard it would be for a child to do that.
6 years ago
cops, sheriff's office, Pierce County,...
Colleen O'Brien

Pierce County Sheriff’s Office needs some help

This week, Pierce County deputies resounded to a brutal incident in Buckley and Tumwater; a double-homicide turned officer-involved shooting.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Chicago cop becomes construction worker for a good cause

A Chicago police lieutenant took on a brand new mission after 27 years on the force.
6 years ago
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Colleen O'Brien

Veteran hit by shoddy roof job finds help

A veteran who was out $9,000 for a roofing job gone bad was repaid in kindness by another roofing company.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Unsuspecting pizza delivery driver gets blessed

A Chicago pastor surprised a pizza delivery driver with a massive tip, which only kept growing as his congregation came forward to add to the pile of money.
6 years ago
(File, Associated Press)...
Colleen O'Brien

Officer on patrol delivers surprise meals

Officer Jeremy hands of grocery bags full of food to people-in-need who he encounters while on patrol.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Bike charity leads to new teeth for Minnesota man

Jack Carlson made headlines for the charity work he does for children with disabilities. He spends his free time working on custom bikes for kids and in the process of his story being told he became the recipient of kindness, too.
6 years ago
Braden Bishop...
Colleen O'Brien

Mariners prospect makes promise to mom

You’ll want to know Braden Bishop’s name if only for what he’s doing for his mother.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Send banners to surviving students of Florida shooting

A week later, there's still more to be done to support the surviving students of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
6 years ago
Colleen O'Brien

Students react to a violent world

If you think our kids are blissfully ignorant of the violence happening right now - think again.
6 years ago
Rick Rizzs...
Colleen O'Brien

KIRO 7, Rick Rizzs pay off strangers’ medical debt

Famed voice of the Mariners Rick Rizzs joined KIRO 7's effort to pay off people's medical debt.
6 years ago
(AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)...
Colleen O'Brien

Update: Man meets life-saving donor at Super Bowl

The other day a listener named Angelica reached out to me on Twitter to ask about an update to one of my Doses of Kindness. I'm happy to deliver.
6 years ago