Ross: To celebrate the new I-90 ramp meters, a return of the Zipper Merge song!
Nov 14, 2023, 9:29 AM

Northbound I-5 at I-90. (Matt Pitman, KIRO Radio)
(Matt Pitman, KIRO Radio)
The new I-90 Ramp Meters go live today. It amounts to a forced zipper merge as you enter I-5.
This way you don’t merge too soon – when your lane is free you go all the way to the ramp meter. You pull up and Zip!
And you know what that means: time to bring back the Zipper Merge song!
Oh, don’t you merge too soon,
Not when your lane is free
Drive to the end and then
Pull up and zip with me
This merger is our destiny
Ooh o oooh!
Pull up and zip with me!
I was driving home at night
A jammed-up on-ramp to I-5
Then I saw her on the right
I knew we were Bound to get together, Bound to get together
She flashed her lights –
I don’t know how it happened
She looked at me and said …
Oh, don’t you merge too soon,
Not when your lane is free
Drive to the end and then
Pull up and zip with me
This merger is our destiny
Ooh o oooh!
Pull up and zip with me!
I drove ahead
I think I see my future
My lane will end –
This is my last chance!
I signalled right
I saw her in my mirror
I read her lips as she said…
Oh, don’t you merge too soon,
Not when your lane is free
Drive to the end and then
Pull up and zip with me
This merger is our destiny
Ooh o oooh!
Pull up and zip with me!
Listen to Seattle’s Morning News with Dave Ross and Colleen O’Brien weekday mornings from 5 – 9 a.m. on KIRO Newsradio, 97.3 FM. Subscribe to the podcast here.