Rantz: Seattle homeless man groped himself by ‘Free Gaza’ hacked sign
May 13, 2024, 6:01 AM

An electronic sign that was hacked to read "Free Gaza." (Photo: Jason Rantz, KTTH)
(Photo: Jason Rantz, KTTH)
A homeless man was pleasuring himself in a children’s park across the street from a hacked electronic sign, dangerously placed to say “Free Gaza.” This is why Seattle can’t have nice things.
It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon: 70 degrees and sunny with a nice, light breeze. I took my dog D’Artagnan out for a long walk and found myself at a new children’s playground constructed in South Lake Union. When I previously saw the area under construction, it didn’t take me long to figure out how it would be used by the homeless who have frequented the spot since it opened a few weeks ago.
The homeless man was laying on the grass, pants unbuttoned. I saw his hand and arm making movements that was a not-so-subtle hint at what he was doing. As I walked by, it was clear: He was pleasuring himself out in the open.
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Did anyone care about the homeless Seattle man?
I can’t even pee in a public restroom when I sense someone is about to walk in. But this guy is just having at it in the middle of the afternoon in full view.
Behind him, a child and her dad were using the concrete slide (yeah, I don’t really understand the appeal either). In front of him, various passers-by were with their friends, moms for Mother’s Day or walking their dogs. Feet away to his left, two men were eating lunch at a table.
I was concerned and disgusted. But no one else seemed to mind what the homeless man was doing to their Seattle park.
I called the non-emergency number and waited on hold for more than five minutes before a dispatch operator took the details. I don’t know if she sent police to handle the handsy homeless man.
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“Free Gaza”
Across the street, I saw another Seattle … quirk.
An electronic road sign was placed to warn people that the road ahead was closed to traffic because of President Joe Biden’s visit. He comes to Seattle once every other year to snatch big money donations from Washington’s elite. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal took time out of her posting about how big money buys elections so that she could greet him at SeaTac airport, keeping people stuck in traffic longer than necessary.
The sign was inexplicably positioned to block the pedestrian signal, making it difficult for you to know when to safely walk across the street and not get hit by traffic coming from one of three separate directions. Seattle’s incompetence knows no bounds.
By Sunday, the president was gone and the electronic sign was hacked to read “Free Gaza.” Who could have seen this coming? If it said “MAGA Seattle” or “Jews lives matter,” it would have been taken down in a second and earned at least a press release condemning the electronic road sign crime!
Listen to The Jason Rantz Show on weekday afternoons from 3-7 p.m. on KTTH 770 AM (HD Radio 97.3 FM HD-Channel 3). Subscribe to the podcast here. Follow Jason on X, formerly known as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.